The intelligent way to deliver more for our clients

Fortem’s SMART Hub is our specialist central support service facility with a dedicated team who use intelligent systems to deliver more for our clients. The SMART Hub is a key link in the business, providing a consistent service and approach to planning, including appointment scheduling, working to achieve contracted service levels and KPI performance.

  • Contact Centre: OOH & Customer First
  • Service Centre

We have improved access for LGSR checks through enhanced customer contact helping us achieve 100% gas compliance on our Birmingham contract in advance of the annual target date. Our data and business intelligence specialists identify where planned investment programmes would deliver the greatest reduction in repairs demand for our clients.
For our clients we have achieved:
  • Increased workforce productivity through intelligent scheduling systems
  • Reduced out of hours emergency call-outs by 55%
  • Reduced repair volumes by upskilling CSAs to undertake soft-fix repairs e.g. boiler resets

Benefits to our customers:
  • Greater efficiencies and lower costs with improved service performance
  • Greater consistency in the end-to-end customer journey
  • Greater business and service resilience across all client call handling and administration
  • The ability to mobilise new business more reliably, much quicker and with greater effectiveness

What Makes Us Unique?

Contact Centre

The 24/7/365 call centre allows our customers and clients to raise general queries at any time. They can also make an appointment and report any defects, with the ability to serve longer term operational and maintenance provisions including aftercare support. Our call specialists are trained to deliver a bespoke service through call identification technology and dedicated scripts for each client.

Service Centre

The Service Centre brings a consistent and disciplined approach to the organising and completing of a large volume of responsive and cyclical activities in line with contracted Service Levels and performance targets. This includes appointment scheduling and monitoring live KPI performance.

Clients who use our service centre